Antenna Mounting Suggestions
The materials we choose and the techniques we use to build things, are
influenced by our experiences, tools and materials available. Plumbers
naturally think of what they can do with different types of pipe, carpenters
think about how to solve problems using wood and welders look to various
metals when they want to make something.
The following is a list of ideas that have been applied and why they
were used. The plan is to get some pictures soon, to go with the descriptions.
Plumbing Pipe
The plumbing department is a great place to look for antenna supplies.
There is copper pipe for a J-pole, PVC to make a cover for a ribbon J-pole
and ABS or large PVC for making storage cases. Some ideas that have been
used are:
- Building antennas with a 3/4" inside thread fitting as the mounting attachment.
This allows the antenna to be mated to different support systems. For example
the antenna can be attached to a length of threaded pipe or a slide up
- Build masts and antenna mounts with a 3/4" outside thread fitting. This
allows the antennas to be simply screwed to the mast.
- The larger PVC pipe (3" and 4") can be used to make a storage case
for antennas and antenna hardware. Use a length of pipe, as long as a copper
J-pole antenna, attach an end cap permanently on one end (glue or a couple
small screws) and have a second end cap that is not fastened. The J-pole
antenna slides inside the pipe, slide the second end cap on and you have
a storage container for that spare J-pole, which protects the antenna during
storage or transportation.
- The 1/2" and 3/4" white PVC pipe is ideal for light weight antennas, such
as an inverted SO239 with radials. The 3/4" pipe will typically allow a
PL259 connector to slide inside. By cutting a notch (approximately. 3 to 4") in the
end of the pipe, wide enough for a piece of coax cable, you can connect
a PL259 connector to the SO239 chassis connector. Take the PL259, with
the SO239 connector attached and slide the PL259 cable end into the pipe,
the cable will exit through the slot in the pipe and the barrel portion
of the PL259 should friction fit inside the pipe. The assumption is that
the SO239 connector has a centre wire and radials, to make an antenna.
You have many options on what to do with the other end of the PVC pipe,
but one idea is to make the pipe long enough to slide the antenna radials
inside (assuming the radials are removable) and put a 3/4" inside tread
pipe fitting on the end of the pipe.
- Another use for the 3/4" PVC pipe, is to make a portable dipole antenna.
Use a length of pipe as the horizontal support, with a T fitting at the
end. Drill a hole near one end of the pipe and insert a length of coax,
towards the other end. Strip the end of the coax and slide the end into
the centre of the T, so the centre exits on direction and the shield exits
the other direction. Attach two BNC chassis connectors to the coax, one
to the centre and one to the shield. Use epoxy glue to secure the BNC connectors
in the ends of the T. Once the epoxy is set, glue the T onto the end of
the PVC pipe. Attach a 3/4" inside thread fitting to the other end of the
pipe for mounting the antenna. Cut the two antenna whips the required length
and attach each one to a BNC connector. Now the antenna whips can be attached
or removed using the BNC connectors. When not in use, the whips can store
in a length of 3/4" PVC pipe with a couple end caps on it.
- ABS pipe is also useful for antenna cases. If you build an antenna with
the inverted SO239 chassis connector and the radials for the antenna can
be removed, then a length of ABS pipe with a cap permanently attached on
one end and a removable cap for the other end makes a great antenna case.
Slide the radials and the antenna centre whip inside the PVC pipe. Now
slide that all into the ABS pipe and slide on the cap. The antenna and
radials will not get lost. If the radials attach with bolts, you can include
a small screwdriver in the case, so everything is in one place, ready to
- Copper pipe can be used for antennas such as the J-pole, but it also can
be useful to build antenna mounts. Copper is quite strong and easy to work
with, using simple tools (so long as you consider a torch a simple tool).
Cable Ties
The more prepared you are for emergency communications, the more cables
that need to be kept organized. One source of twist ties is garbage bags.
If you tie the bag and save the ties, they make great removable tie wraps
for cables. However in the effort to save money, the quality of twist ties
has gone down and they barely survive a single use today.
One alternative is to make a trip to the hardware gardening section.
There you will find a small roll of green plastic covered wire, designed
for tying up plants. The wire typically comes in a plastic holder with
a metal cutter attached. Simply pull out as long a piece as required and
cut it off. The quality is quite good, allowing re-use of the twist tie.
Antenna Mount For Glass
From specific problems, comes unusual solutions. Most modern buildings
have a lot of glass and no windows that open. Whether you are operating
from the inside or the outside of the building, it would be nice to attach
an antenna to the window, to get it out of the way and above the crowd.
The solution is a suction cup, such as those used for carrying glass
or removing data room floor tiles. If you can find one that is broken (i.e.
a double unit that broke in the middle) then the costs are much lower.
If not, they are available (Lee Valley sells a single unit for about $25).
Depending on the unit that you have, make an adapter that will allow a
light weight antenna to be attached. This is another opportunity to use
the 3/4" outside thread pipe fitting. Using PVC pipe, you can build a short
mast that would allow a simple dipole or inverted SO239 antenna to be attached.