EMRG General Meeting, September 29, 2007

HF Operations in EMRG

Although we don't mention it much, since VHF is expected to be about 80% of our operating, that other 20% that will occur on HF deserves some consideration. Some emergency organizations have their HF operations in their downtown headquarters. EMRG has decided to side step the antenna limitations and high noise problems of such an operation by having the HF station outside the core and relaying traffic into the local scene via VHF.


Typical scenarios that may require us to use HF are:

Typical traffic could be a mix of tactical and formal:

Typical formal traffic:

Station Requirements

MUST have:

Should have:


A starting point for such a station would be a multi operator multi transmitter contest station, but even this class of station would need modification to be suitable as our HF relay station. If you are thinking of rebuilding your station and want to help us by making it more useable in an emergency, let us know and we can toss some ideas around. Should we consider 6 metre operation? Would it add anything to our capabilities? Should we look at approaching the custodians of the VE3JW station at the museum? Given the above requirements, will it meet our needs?

Operators should have standard operating practices. They should understand how to handle formal traffic. They should be used to listening to HF. They should be able to operate the equipment in front of them to its best advantage. All of this has more to do with the operator than the station, however. Operators should be able to select the band, specific frequency and antenna combination to maintain communications throughout the 24 hour day. We have to assume that the station on the other end is not going to be an expert on propagation or band use and will look to us for guidance. The owner of the station needs to realize and be comfortable with the fact that there will be other hams running their station while they are asleep. They need to realize that there will be people coming and going at odd hours during the emergency.