Minimum Requirements For A Deployment Kit
Written 2008-12-21
I recently had someone ask me the following question: "What information or items are required in the event that there is an EMRG deployment (What do I need to bring?)."
To make it easier to get started, I am going to assume you will be using someone else's radio, or you will be at one of the locations that has a permanent radio. What equipment to pack is a whole separate discussion we will address later.
The following describes the minimum that every EMRG member should have when they deploy. You can feel free to add other things that you see fit, but this is a starting point.
- EMRG Documents
- EMRG photo ID
- Basic Go Kit (See note 2 below for list)
- Maintain vehicle fuel above 1/2 tank
- EMRG-104 Appendix A: Each January, we mail out a printed copy of the membership list. The list is not distributed electronically. If you are not sure that your contact information is correct, get in touch with Harold Hamilton the membership coordinator; va3unk at
- BASIC GO KIT: The basic go kit can be put together for a few dollars and can be stored in a plastic bag, such as one of the stronger ones from a specialty store. If you have an old knapsack or carry bag, (or buy one at a low cost store), that is even better, since it will have pockets and zippers. This is the list of the items you need to be able to deploy to a location that is not very organized, so you don't get thirsty or too hungry and you can copy messages. The objective is to be useful, while not being a needless drain on local resources.
- $5 to $10 in change (Loonies and quarters)
- Map book for Ottawa
- Pad of lined letter size paper 8.5 x 11
- Telephone message pad (with duplicates is a great option)
- 2 pens and a pencil with sharpener or a mechanical pencil
- 2 bottles of water
- Snacks such as nuts (compact, high energy, storeable)
- Small first aid kit (so you can put a band aid on your finger if you cut it)
- Optional: Note pad 1/2 to 1/3 of letter size (easier than tearing full sheets)
If you have
questions, please send them directly to me, pgamble at
Peter Gamble -VE3BQP
Team Leader -Emergency Measures Radio Group
Emergency Coordinator (EC) -Ottawa ARES