Saturday May 27, 9:00AM-12:00PM
The Ottawa Fire Service Training Centre
898 Industrial Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario
(Behind the fire station near the St. Laurent Blvd - Industrial Ave Intersection)
There will be a radio exercise as part of this meeting.
Please logs sheets, pens, and a radio capable of working the EMRG repeater (146.880-).
If the weather is ok, some stations may work from their vehicles in addition to indoor stations.
We will be doing a group pizza order for anyone interested in staying around for a chance to eat lunch and chat. During the meeting, we will collect the orders, determine the types of pizza and place the order for noon time arrival. Everyone pays a flat fee, probably $6, for their food and drink.
-- Coffee Will Be Provided --
This is what we discussed at some of our previous meetings.
To learn more about how to participate in the activities and events of the Emergency Measures Radio Group, please contact us and join us at our next General Meeting.
Everyone is welcome -- please pass the message on to other amateurs!