

Antennas - ARES - Audio Distribution - Barriers - Batteries - CN Cycle for CHEO - Frequencies - Glossary - Handouts - Kits - List Server - Maps - Meetings - Newsletters - NVIS - Official Documents - Ottawa Fire Service - Packet - Powerpoles - Projects - Releases - Repeaters - Rideau Lakes Cycle Tour - Slideshows - Standards - Training - Website - What's New? - Zoning By-laws


A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z - 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9

- A -

Items that may be useful in an emergency.

See also: Kits

See also: Glossary
Amateurs Helping
Information and links about emergencies or disasters where Amateur radio has helped. Trying to look at what actually took place and how we can learn, so we are better prepared.
Algonquin College
Maps and information about Algonquin College, Ottawa
Amateur Myths
Like any activity, creating an effective team takes more than a group of people with a common interest and skills. Creating an effective communications team that can deploy quickly, providing communications solutions that work in their area, starts with the average amateur radio operator.


Antenna Design Challenge
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. The external antenna is a problem that EMRG needs to solve for shelter kits, or any portable setup.
Antenna Party
The way the antenna party works, is that you bring some parts (information below), some tools, your interest and some other people will supply a few key parts and a helping hand, if you need it.

Keywords: Dual-Band Discone Antenna, VHF Twin-Lead J-Pole, TV twin lead

Antenna Suggestions
When dealing with local organizations such as hospitals, fire departments or municipal emergency planners, regarding permanent radio installations, there is always the question of what is required and how much will it cost. For example a local fire department wants to have a permanent amateur radio installation at a fire station.

Keywords: Simple and Cheap Pocket Quarter Wave Antenna

Antenna Mounting
The materials we choose and the techniques we use to build things, are influenced by our experiences, tools and materials available. Plumbers naturally think of what they can do with different types of pipe, carpenters think about how to solve problems using wood and welders look to various metals when they want to make something. This is a list of ideas that have been applied and why they were used. The plan is to get some pictures soon, to go with the descriptions.

Keywords: Cable Ties, Antenna Mount For Glass

Antenna Cable
In dealing with local organizations regarding permanent installations, there is always the question of what is required. When it comes to cable for connecting to the antenna, a purest would calculate the losses associated with RG-213 versus 1/2 or 7/8 inch heliax and then compare the cost of more power and preamps versus changing the feeders to a lower loss variety. There are formulas and calculations, but what are some good "rules of thumb" that can be put to paper
EMRG-201: Twin Lead J-Pole
Description and construction details for building a VHF antenna
EMRG-202: Tape Measure Discone
Description and construction details for building a dual band antenna
EMRG-213: Technical Reference
The document is a collection of charts, tables, rules of thumb and drawings for technical information that could be useful in the field.
NVIS Antennas
For mobile use the choice seems to be a 16 ft whip, which is pulled down near the end, so it is parallel with the roof of the vehicle, making the signal go vertical. There are variations of this for permanent mobile antennas. It is recommended that the antenna be fully horizontal when not moving, if possible for best operation.


Presentation and summary of recent ARES District Mutual Aid meeting at EMRG meeting on May 29, 2010. Overview of land region covered by Captial and Seaway ARES districts.
ARES Capital/Seaway District Mutual Aid Meeting
Presentation and summary of EMRG activities at meeting of Capital and Seaway districts ARES groups on April 17, 2010. Items discussed were District Mutual Aid Plan and to-go kits.
ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
EMRG is also known as Ottawa ARES, two names, one group, one purpose. ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) provides a common look and feel for volunteer Amateur radio emergency communications groups across the country.
District ARES News
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. On April 26, there was an ARES District meeting in Perth at the Lanark County offices, hosted by the Lanark ARES Group.
Audio Distribution
Audio Distribution
The simplest form of radio set up, uses the speaker in the radio. This can be improved for emergency use by adding headphones. But what happens when you need to add a person as a logger. You can use a Y cable for the headphones, but what if the two people have different levels of hearing. It would be nice to have separate volume controls for each person.

Keywords: low-cost headsets

Audio Distribution Project 01
An Audio-Distribution Project that was presented at the EMRG General Meeting on January 28, 2006 by Rick, VE3IHI.
Audio Distribution Project 02
An Audio-Distribution Project that was presented at the EMRG General Meeting on January 28, 2006 by Peter, VE3LBW.
CAIRO Overview
Communications Audio Interface for Remote Operations, is a standard connection between two-way radio transceivers and the various forms of microphone, loudspeaker, headphone or headset accessory which an operator may employ for vocal telecommunications. It allows the operator to select the most appropriate accessory for a particular communications need, and operate any available and appropriate transceiver to provide a communications service in a wide variety of circumstances.
CAIRO Manual
The CAIRO manual.


- B -

Communicating Through Glass
Most buildings built today have thermopane windows (sealed double glass with vacuum or gas between) and ventilation systems for exchanging the air, making a building with no windows that open. These windows are big typically and expensive, so the statement "in an emergency you can break a window" is not a suitable answer due to the cost and weather implications. In addition, there are often few doors and most doors are kept secure. This raises the question of how to communicate from inside the building using a radio. This gets even more difficult if the building is a hospital.
Infrared Tr-Rx
Assuming that the situation will allow access to both sides of the window (inside and outside) and that it is possible to run a cable from the window inside to where the radio operator is positioned and a cable outside from the window to a packaged radio with power source. The only problem is how to get through the window!
Battery Care
Whether for remote operation, backpacking, special events or emergency use, there is a size and capacity of battery to fit all applications. What you do once you buy a battery will determine its useful life. Besides physical abuse, the two things that shorten battery life are over charging and under charging.

Keywords: gel-cell battery, charging, Charging Voltage-Temperature Table

Battery Case Wiring
An article by Richard, VE3UNW, that originally appeared in the November, 2005 Newsletter. The article describes a battery case which has been outfitted with Anderson Powerpoles® and a self-resetting fuse. It is a simple project with easy to obtain parts and can be put together in an evening.
EMRG-213: Technical Reference
The document is a collection of charts, tables, rules of thumb and drawings for technical information that could be useful in the field.
Gel Cell Batteries
Images of 4.5AH and 7AH gel cell batteries.
Gel Cell Battery Charger
The "gel cell" is often used for back up or remote power of radios and other amateur equipment. In most cases, the intentions are good, but the ongoing maintenance or lack there of, leads to disappointment due to short operation times or premature failure of the battery.


- C -

CAIRO The UK Solution
See also: Audio Distribution
"Collegeville" - Emergency Mangement College
The Canadian Emergency Management College in Ottawa runs courses for municipal officials from across the country in the operation of an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and in emergency site management.
Orientation Guide to Collegeville For Amateur Radio Operators
This document is intended to be a general guide of operations, amateur radio operator duties and items to watch for, for those hams at Collegeville for the first time. It may also be a refresher to the seasoned veterans who have not attended in a long time.
Contact Us
If you would like more information about the Emergency Measures Radio Group, and its services, activities or events, or to send us your comments and suggestions about the EMRG Web Site, this is how to contact us.
It can be frustrating to find containers in which to install equipment, because the equipment is not of uniform size and the containers that work for one piece of equipment are a bit short or a bit too narrow for other equipment. With non uniform sized cases, it becomes difficult to stack the equipment for transportation and storage.
Cross Band Repeaters
Cross band repeaters are an excellent tool for emergency communications, to extend the range of repeaters for portables or mobiles. With a cross band repeater outside a building, a portable radio inside can have quality audio and the messages are not missed. Add a small beam and the cross band repeater can be used to provide local coverage on one band, while linking back into a remote repeater. This can be used to get out of a low area or to cover greater distance.

See also: Repeaters

CN Cycle for CHEO (formerly Tour Nortel)
EMRG-709: FM Signal Report Exercise
Notes on how to give a signal report.
Tour Nortel Vehicle Identification Sign
Radio Communications Identification sign to be placed in each vehicle's windshield.


- D -

District ARES Trip To Kingston
Planning for a District wide ARES social get together for all members within the Ottawa District is underway. This will revolve around a bus trip to visit the famous Kingston Communication's Museum on October 08-2005.

- E -

EC0 Lessons Not Learned
An interesting article that takes a critical look at how Amateur radio fails in many ways as an emergency communications resource
Emergency Mangement College - "Collegeville"
The Canadian Emergency Management College in Ottawa runs courses for municipal officials from across the country in the operation of an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and in emergency site management.
Emergency Preparedness Display - May 6, 2002
On May 6 2002, three levels of Government came together as part of Emergency Preparedness Week, with a display of various emergency response agencies. The display included typical first responders Police, Fire and Ambulance), as well as other agencies such as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, Hospitals and of course, the local volunteer radio group EMRG.


- F -

Five-Year Plan
This plan describes a series of projects, which define EMRG's communications infrastructure development for the next 5 years.
EMRG-206: Auxiliary Frequency Information
This document lists frequencies that are secondary to EMRG operation in an emergency, to facilitate decisions about frequency use and for reference, where we must communicate with other users of the spectrum, or must avoid interference with them. The document focuses on frequencies that many hams would not use in their day to day operating.
EMRG-207: Frequency List
This document lists frequencies that are critical to EMRG operation in an emergency, to facilitate quick decisions about frequency use. The document focuses on frequencies that require some special knowledge or where there is more than one option, so choices are prioritized.
Industry Canada has introduced the new Family Radio Service, referred to as FRS for short. FRS is a radio frequency assignment, that does not require a license, making it a popular solution for families. There are many makes and models of radios available from single channel to 14 channel.
Do I need a fuse on the negative wire to my radio?


- G -

Gel Cell Batteries
Images of 4.5AH and 7AH gel cell batteries.

See also: Batteries

Gel Cell Battery Charger
The "gel cell" is often used for back up or remote power of radios and other amateur equipment. In most cases, the intentions are good, but the ongoing maintenance or lack there of, leads to disappointment due to short operation times or premature failure of the battery.

See also: Batteries

EMRG-310: EMRG Terminology - TBR
List of acronyms and terms associated with EMRG or used in EMRG documents
EMRG (ARES) Acronyms


- H -

Home Page
This is the EMRG Home Page
EMRG-516: Repeater Guide
A summary of EMRG Repeaters.

- I -

Infrared Tr-Rx
Assuming that the situation will allow access to both sides of the window (inside and outside) and that it is possible to run a cable from the window inside to where the radio operator is positioned and a cable outside from the window to a packaged radio with power source. The only problem is how to get through the window!

See also: Barriers

The only time members have any protection (workers compensation) provided by their local municipality, is under the Ontario Emergency Plans Act and this is only applicable if an official state of emergency is declared. Declaring an official state of emergency still does not cover loss of equipment.

- J -

- K -


EMRG-209: Personal Equipment List - TBR
Comprehensive list of items that EMRG members may wish to pack as part of their emergency communications "go-kit".
Items that may be useful in an emergency.
Shelter Kits
These shelter-kit lists were developed by three groups at the General Meeting on September 17, 2005. The final kit list will be completed from these lists.
This information is meant to get us thinking about what we have and what we need to have ready within minutes if we are called to assist in an emergency.

- L -

List Server
The list server provides a means to ask questions and for people to respond with the solutions they have found to work or ideas that may be useful.
Letter to Dalton McGuinty Regarding Bill 118
A letter from Peter Gamble VE3BQP to Dalton McGuinty requesting that an exemption be made in Bill 118 for mobile amateur radio.


- M -

Algonquin College
City of Ottawa
Source: Google MapsTM
Ottawa Fire Service Barrhaven
Ottawa Fire Service Dispatch Centre
Ottawa Fire Service Training Centre
South-eastern Ontario


General Meetings
Meeting: November 29, 2008 (General)
Notice of Meeting
Shaping the Future of EMRG
A presentation on May 31, 2008 by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in the positions to be described.
Information and Status Updates
Presentation from the meeting about what is EMRG working on, new City of Ottawa - EMRG agreement and other news.
A Proposal For The Future Of EMRG
A presentation on Nov 29, 2008 outlining a proposal to break up the work in EMRG into smaller pieces, rather than having an individual responsible for a function such as Training or Exercises. Getting people to take on the higher level functions has not been successful, so breaking things into smaller pieces should make it easier for people to take on tasks, and everyone can be involved.
Meeting: May 31, 2008 (General)
Notice of Meeting
Antenna Design Challenge
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. The external antenna is a problem that EMRG needs to solve for shelter kits, or any portable setup.
Shaping the Future of EMRG
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in the positions to be described.
District ARES News
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. On April 26, there was an ARES District meeting in Perth at the Lanark County offices, hosted by the Lanark ARES Group.
Amateur Radio Data Communications Demo Network
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. The purpose of the Technology Demo is to show people some of the things that EMRG is working on, and some ideas that are possible based on available technology.
Meeting: January 19, 2008 (General)
Notice of Meeting
Meeting Agenda
General Meeting Presentation
Training, Canadian Ski Marathon (CSM), Project Work Sessions, EMRG Callout Testing, Activation Plan, Activation Worksheet, ARES District Meeting, EMRG Web Site
Ten Years After The Ice Storm
10 Years Ago, Current Status, EMRG Today, Voice Infrastructure, Packet Radio, Mutual Aid, EMRG Website
EMRG-407: Logging
Why?, Why not just use a recorder?, Logging, Dictionary definition, Known by whom?, Non Facts, Gray Areas, How To Log, Keep It Readable, A little practical example, EMRG Website
Meeting: September 29, 2007 (General)
Notice of Meeting
Amateur Radio As a Service
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP
Yearly Status and Plans for Fall 2007
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP
HF Operations in EMRG
A presentation by team Mike, VE3FFK
Meeting: January 27, 2007 (General)
The Year in Review and 2007 Strategy
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP: The Year in Review, Training Coordinator, New hardware for repeater VE3OCE, Red Cross Radio, Community Services, Funding, Projects, 2007 Strategy, Participation, EOC Changes, Randall.
Activity Lifecycle
A training presentation by Tom, VE3NFA
St. Johns Communication Outage
A presentation by Mike, VE3FFK
Meeting: September 30, 2006 (General)
Meeting: May 27, 2006 (General)
Meeting: January 28, 2006 (General)
Audio Distribution Project 01
Audio Distribution Project 02
EMRG Web Site Redesign, Handout
A progress report by Gord, VE3XGP, on the redesign of the EMRG Web site (
Meeting: September 17, 2005 (General)
Meeting Notes
OARC Hamfest, Hurricane Katrina, Shelter Kits, Red Cross, RAC grant, radios, Crossband repeater, Repeater Controllers, Repeaters, Randall, Algonquin Design Project, What Next?
Shelter Kit Contents List
Meeting: February 26, 2005 (Ottawa District ARES)
On February 26, EMRG hosted the Ottawa District ARES meeting at the OFS training Centre. This meeting brought the management teams from neighbouring ARES groups that make up the Ottawa District as well as ARES groups that border on the Ottawa District. The main purpose of the meeting was to understand each other better and to start work on a mutual aid capability.
Meeting Presentation
Overview of roles, partners, organization, challenges and ongoing efforts.
Meeting: January 22, 2005 (General)
Meeting Notes
EMRG web site, newsletter, Agreement with the city, management team, partners, short-term objectives, Randall projects, packet, exercise
Meeting: September 25, 2004 (General)
Meeting Notes
City of Ottawa, repeater status, projects, group session, safety, simulated emergency test, table-top exercise, packet training, standard radio interface
Meeting: January 31, 2004 (General)
Meeting Presentation
5 Questions Discussed
Why do YOU participate in EMRG? Why do more Amateurs NOT participate in EMRG? What does EMRG do best? What does EMRG do worst? What are you willing to do to make EMRG better? Suggestions and Comments
EMRG-104: Membership List
Defines procedures regarding the membership list.


- N -

Newsletter: January, 2008
Topics: Being Useful in an Emergency, Check your POT, ICE Your Cell Phone, Get Out of the House!, A New Year Ahead
Newsletter: September, 2007
Topics: "It's Baaack!! Will You Be Ready?" (The 10th anniversary of the Ice Storm), Tour Nortel, Team Leader's Message: "A Year of Accomplishments", EOC Renovations, Antennas At Fire Dispatch, City of Ottawa, About EMRG
Newsletter: April, 2006
Topics: What to Expect When You Get There ..., Recognition Will Come If We Are Successful, EMRG Web Site, Communications Solutions, Pizza, Katrina - There Were Many Communications Solutions, EMRG Training, EMRG Strategy, Being a Team, Note From OFS, Reconnecting the 21st Century Family, Partners, Emergency Preparedness Starts With You!

Keywords: Management Team, prepared, common theme, recognition, questions, how to be effective, local communications, repeaters, simplex, hf, Telex/Vega, Red Cross, City of Ottawa, shelters, satellite, Viper MCU, equipment, infrastructure, Ottawa Fire Service, telephone, Emergency Preparedness Canada,

Newsletter: November, 2005 (with images), (without Images)
Topics: Are you Prepared?, Gel-cell Batteries, CTCSS Tones, Pioneers, EMRG Repeaters, Who Can Use EMRG Repeaters, Financial Report, Red Cross Radios, More fun with PowerPoles, 12 Volt Battery Case with Anderson Powerpoles®.

Keywords: Office of Emergency Management, OEM, City of Ottawa, Emergency Planning Working Group, 5-year emergency response plan, Red Cross, radio cabinet, grant from RAC, Alinco radios, TNC, hospital radio, standard radio interface, Algonquin College, Randall, Ottawa District ARES, PARC, VE3TEL repeater, grant,

Newsletter: April, 2005
Topics: Emergency Preparedness Week. Next Steps, Web Site, Financial Report, Check SPAM Filters, Repeater Coverage, Skills and Equipment, Why EMRG Repeaters?, Hospitals Help Out!, Projects - What and Why, How Can I Help?, EMRG-212 Headphone Control, Where is Everyone?, Repeater Call Signs.

Keywords: Ottawa District ARES Meeting, Projects

Newsletter: January, 2005
Topics: EMRG - Ottawa Agreement, EMRG Money Management, Documentation, EMRG The Elmer, Projects, Repeaters, ARES Meeting, User Interface, Standard Interface, Watch What You Say.

Keywords: City of Ottawa, grant, finances, goals, official documents, headphone control, CAIRO, EMRG-210 Standard Interface

Newsletter: January, 2003
DC Power Connectors, EMRG Operations Centre Open, Emergency Preparedness, Exercise "Ready, Set, Go!", 146.880MHz VHF Back With EMRG, Go Kit, Simulated Emergency Test - SET, E-mail Newsletter, Membership, Emergency Response.

Keywords: accomplishments, Anderson Powerpoles® connectors, Ottawa Fire Service Dispatch Centre, repeaters,

Newsletter: September, 2002
Topics: Emergency Preparedness Week Display, Exercise Integration, Hospital Disaster Planning Committee, EMRG Equipment Philosophy, City Of Ottawa Surplus Equipment, Thanks to Local Clubs, Portable Repeater, EMRG Membership, Membership List, EDACS - Trunked Radio.

Keywords: Ottawa Airport Exercise.

Newsletter: April, 2002
Topics: Low Power Communications, Membership Notes, Repeater Extender, Why Testing Pays Off, Standard Power Connector, It's That Time of Year, Emergency Preparedness Week, Clarity is Important, Trunked Radio Primer.

Keywords: Red Cross, Ottawa Fire Department, Anderson Powerpoles®, CTCSS Tones.

Newsletter: January, 2002
Topics: EMRG Management Team, Photo IDs, Ski Marathon, Portable Repeater - VA3EMV, Battery Charging Tips, September 11, 2001, Simulated Emergency Test (SET), Disaster Communications, Net Control, How To Listen, Membership Form.

Keywords: Agreement with the city, Red Cross, Gel-cell batteries, VE3MPC, RAC, ARES.

Newsletter: March, 2000
Topics: Open Letter to All Amateurs, What is EMRG, History, EMRG Web Site, EMRG The Last 5 Years, The Ice Storm, Changes to EMRG, Recent Activities, 911 Backup, EMRG - The Future, Volunteer Radio Operation, Secondary Communications, Important Things to Know, Insurance, Y2K, Mike Reviews the Ski Marathon, Ottawa-Carleton, EMRG and Field Day 2000, Local Flea Markets.

Keywords: RMOC, Gloucester Communications Room, Hospitals, Local Municipalities, Communications Exercise, Go Kit.

Newsletter: April, 1999
Topics:Weekly Net, EMRG Event, Phase 1 Complete, Photo Ids, EMRG Phase 2, Is This Necessary?, XM49 EOC Radio, Radio Tip, EMRG Call-out Tree.

Keywords: Repeater VA3EMV, 1998 Ice Storm, RMOC, Red Cross, Radio "Cheat Sheet".

Newsletter: January, 1999
Topics: Photo IDs, Membership Update, Exercise News, EMRG - Red Cross, November 7 Exercise Review, Training, Year 2000 (Y2K), APRS.

Keywords: new milenium.

Newsletter: September, 1998
Topics: What is EMRG?, Group Status, Control and Leadership, Guiding Document, RMOC - EMRG Agreement, Emergency Go-kit, Liability, Public Service Communications, EMRG Opportunities for the Future, EMRG Improvements, Membership Activities, Coordination Activities, EMRG Fall Exercise.

Keywords: call-out list, promotional plan, communications plan, training, exercises.

Newsletter: April, 1998
Topics: Nets, Ice Storm Review, RMOC - EMRG Agreement.
Newsletter: January, 1997
Topics: EMRG Web Page, EMRG Display Day, Ski Marathon, Roll-up J-Pole, Logo, Emergency Plans, EMRG Communications Plan, EMRG's Role in an Emergency, Beyond the RMOC, EMRG's Next Step, Member Database.
Newsletter: October, 1996
Topics: EMRG Is Well and Alive, What Has Changed?, Management Team, Activities for 96/97, Nets, What is EMRG? History of EMRG, Role of EMRG, Public Service Communications, Being Prepared.

Keywords, EMU, Emergency Measures Unit, repeater VA3EMV, go-kit.


NVIS: Near Vertical Incident Skywave
NVIS Introduction
We usually think of HF as a long range communications solution which is impacted by sun spot activity, time of day and weather. To ensure somewhat reliable or consistent communications, beam antennas and amplifiers are required and even then there are no guarantees, some locations may hear but others will not. For shorter range communications we think of VHF/UHF mobile radios and repeaters. Depending on the repeater location, stations 100 km apart can communicate while mobile. But what about situations where there is no repeater, repeaters have failed or the existing repeaters just don't link the two locations that need to communicate.
NVIS Index
Near Vertical Incident Skywave (NVIS) transmits radio signals almost straight up (80 to 90 degrees), where it is reflected back down to the receiving station. This achieves dependable local area High Frequency (HF) communications within an area with a radius up to about 500 kilometres using frequencies between 2 and 10 or 12 Megahertz.
The Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG), also known as Ottawa ARES, provides communications for the City of Ottawa. From side to side or corner to corner, that is over 100 km, just within the City boundary. Since emergencies don't understand Municipal boundaries, it is possible that EMRG would need to communicate with neighbouring Municipalities or EMRG members may be assisting in a neighbouring Municipality, reliable medium range communications is important
NVIS Testing
This page will be used to collect information about testing done by EMRG. The purpose is to bring together information about types of testing and the results to help others who may be interesting in using NVIS.
NVIS Antennas
For mobile use the choice seems to be a 16 ft whip, which is pulled down near the end, so it is parallel with the roof of the vehicle, making the signal go vertical. There are variations of this for permanent mobile antennas. It is recommended that the antenna be fully horizontal when not moving, if possible for best operation.
NVIS Web Links
More information from the Internet


- O -

Open Letter from EMRG in Support of OARC Repeaters
An open letter from EMRG touting the benefits of maintaining the OARC repeaters located at Camp Fortune.
Official Documents
Official Documents provide a record of information so that it is retained and updated in an organized manner. Documentation helps ensure that the groups knowledge does not disappear when an individual leaves.

EMRG documents are classified to indicate how the information in the document should be treated with respect to sharing or publishing the information. Only PUBLIC or modified RESTRICTED documents will be published in this web page. EMRG Document Classification is defined in EMRG-001 Document List. Personal information about EMRG members such as phone numbers or addresses is considered RESTRICTED and will not be published on the web page.

000 Document Management
Document Management contains the master document list and templates for creating new documents.
100 Operations
Operations contains information critical to EMRG activation, deployment and operation in an emergency. This includes Membership list and operations plans.
200 Reference
Reference contains supporting information which could be useful in an emergency and which is especially helpful in preparing for emergencies. Examples are tables of antenna lengths, coax loss charts or details on how to build a specific antenna. typically of a technical nature.
300 Administration
Administration contains information that relates to the operation of EMRG as an organization. Documents describe the organizational structure, track inventory, define strategy and may support a specific purpose such as a yearly project plan or a proposal.
400 Training
Training typically contains modules of training for specific areas, but they may also be reference material such as handouts that relate to good operator practices.
500 Forms
Forms contains documents that EMRG uses on a regular basis to record or track information during an event such as a meeting, exercise or activation. Most forms are only one or two pages and use the short document template.
600 Facility Records
Facility records contain documents and diagrams that relate to physical locations or equipment that EMRG operates. Some examples of facility records are the floor plan for the Randall communications room, wiring diagrams for the portable repeater or antenna installation records for the Red Cross.
700 Exercises and Activations
Exercises and activations contains documents, typically from debrief meetings, that outlines what was done, how it went and what can be improved. Plans for exercises can also be saved as official documents.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

000 Document Management
Document Management contains the master document list and templates for creating new documents.
EMRG-001: Document List
Lists EMRG documents and the current version number.
EMRG-003: MS Word Template
Microsoft Word template file for use when creating a new document. This file must be copied into the Template directory.
EMRG-004: Document Style Definitions
Lists details for each item in the standard EMRG document, such as font type, size and orientation.
EMRG-005: MS Word Short Template
Microsoft Word template file for use when creating a new document such as a form, that is only one or two pages long. This file must be copied into the Template directory.
EMRG-006: MS PowerPoint Drawing Template
Microsoft PowerPoint template file for use when creating a new drawing document. This file must be copied into the Template\Presentations directory.
EMRG-007: MS PowerPoint Course Template
Microsoft PowerPoint template file for use when creating a new instructor-led course slide show. This file must be copied into the Template\Presentations directory.
EMRG-008: MS PowerPoint Course Template
Microsoft PowerPoint template file for use when creating a new self-study course slide show. This file must be copied into the Template\Presentations directory.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

100 Operations
Operations contains information critical to EMRG activation, deployment and operation in an emergency. This includes Membership list and operations plans.
EMRG-103: Notification Plan
Defines how partner agencies contact EMRG.
EMRG-104: Membership List
Defines procedures regarding the membership list.
EMRG-105: Activation Plan
Defines EMRG activation procedure when called by a Partner Agency.
EMRG-106: Operations Plan
Defines operational activities.
EMRG-111: Deactivation Plan
Defines the shutdown and scale-down procedures.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

200 Reference
Reference contains supporting information which could be useful in an emergency and which is especially helpful in preparing for emergencies. Examples are tables of antenna lengths, coax loss charts or details on how to build a specific antenna. typically of a technical nature.
EMRG-201: Twin Lead J-Pole
Description and construction details for building a VHF antenna.
EMRG-202: Tape Measure Discone
Description and construction details for building a dual band antenna.
EMRG-203: Kenwood TM-2530 User Guide
EMRG prepared guide on how to operate the Kenwood TM-2530 VHF radio.
EMRG-206: Auxiliary Frequency Information
This document lists frequencies that are secondary to EMRG operation in an emergency, to facilitate decisions about frequency use and for reference, where we must communicate with other users of the spectrum, or must avoid interference with them. The document focuses on frequencies that many hams would not use in their day to day operating.
EMRG-207: Frequency List
This document lists frequencies that are critical to EMRG operation in an emergency, to facilitate quick decisions about frequency use. The document focuses on frequencies that require some special knowledge or where there is more than one option, so choices are prioritized.
EMRG-208: Motorola Moxy User Guide
EMRG prepared guide on how to operate the Motorola Moxy VHF radio.
EMRG-209: Personal Equipment ListEMRG: Personal Equipment List - TBR
Comprehensive list of items that EMRG members may wish to pack as part of their emergency communications "go-kit".
EMRG-210: Standard Radio Interface
Defines a common interface connector and pin assignments for connecting radios to other equipment such as TNCs, Controllers and audio interface units.
EMRG-211: SLVRC Frequency List
Derived from the online Saint Lawrence Valley Repeater Council (SLVRC) frequency list and presented as a printable document. Updated on a yearly basis.
EMRG-212: Headphone Control
Detailed notes for building a 2 position headphone controller with speaker volume as well.
EMRG-213: Technical Reference
The document is a collection of charts, tables, rules of thumb and drawings for technical information that could be useful in the field.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

300 Administration
Administration contains information that relates to the operation of EMRG as an organization. Documents describe the organizational structure, track inventory, define strategy and may support a specific purpose such as a yearly project plan or a proposal.
EMRG-302: Emergency and Disaster Communications 5 Year Plan - Strategy and Requirements
This plan describes a series of projects, which define EMRG's communications infrastructure development for the next 5 years.
EMRG-303: Yearly Strategy Plan
The Yearly Strategy Plan defines the work that EMRG will focus on for the year, to guide planning and maintain focus.
EMRG-304: Packet Radio Network Proposal
Proposal for possible Packet radio network and the components required.
EMRG-305: Inventory Management
Defines EMRG policy for tracking donated equipment.
EMRG-306: EMRG Overview - TBR
Explain EMRG role, structure and resources for anyone who is not familiar with EMRG.
EMRG-307: EMRG Structure - TBR
Explains EMRG internal organization, expectations as well as roles and responsibilities.
EMRG-310: EMRG Terminology - TBR
List of acronyms and terms associated with EMRG or used in EMRG documents.
EMRG-312: Financial Management
Guidelines for EMRG management of funds donated to EMRG.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

400 Training
Training typically contains modules of training for specific areas, but they may also be reference material such as handouts that relate to good operator practices.
EMRG-401: Training Plan
Training objectives and requirements for EMRG to use as a guide in planning and developing training.
EMRG-402: The Four Cs of Communications
Lists the four C words; Calm, Courteous, Correct, Concise.
EMRG-403: Crossband Repeaters
Training session on crossband repeater terminology and operational issues.
EMRG-404: Introduction To EMRG
Provides an introduction to the Roles and Partnerships, Solutions and Services, and Organization and Strategies for EMRG. This training session can be done as self study or as classroom session.
EMRG-407: Logging
Why? Why not just use a recorder? Logging, Dictionary definition. Known by whom? Non Facts, Gray Areas, How To Log, Keep It Readable. A little practical example.
EMRG-408: Personal Preparedness
Information about how each EMRG member can help to prepare their own families for an emergency.
EMRG-409: Introduction to CTCSS
Training session about the use of CTCSS tones on encode/transmit and decode/receive.
EMRG-411: Message Handling
Training document that covers how to send and receive tactical messages.
EMRG-412: 12VDC for the Radio Amateur
Training document covering some of the pitfalls of using 12VDC, batteries, wiring and fuses.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

500 Forms
Forms contains documents that EMRG uses on a regular basis to record or track information during an event such as a meeting, exercise or activation. Most forms are only one or two pages and use the short document template.
EMRG-501: ICS-309 Communications Log
Form for logging transmissions for net control or an end station such as a shelter.
EMRG-502: Resource Tracking Log
Form for NCS to record stations that check into a net to identify they are available for deployment.
EMRG-503: Resource Assignment Chart
Form for tracking the assignment of resources in an emergency. Includes standard assignments such as team leader and NCS.
EMRG-504: Membership Form
Form for new members or for updating existing members address, phone and equipment capabilities.
EMRG-505: Sign In List
Form for recording who participated in an event or meeting.
EMRG-506: Personnel Report
Form for listing EMRG personnel in the dispatch centre during an exercise, meeting or activation. One form used for each shift.
EMRG-507: Folded Brochure
One page EMRG informational brochure.
EMRG-508: Radio Test Log
Log form to record regular radio tests for fixed locations such as the EOC, or Red Cross.
EMRG-509: Meeting Direction Signs
Set of 4 EMRG meeting direction signs, done in MS PowerPoint, with arrows to left, right, left up and right up.
EMRG-510: Expense Voucher
Form for submitting an expense for repayment from EMRG funds.
EMRG-511: Receipt Statement
Form for use when a sales receipt is not available, usually used when parts are purchased from an individual, such as at a hamfest.
EMRG-512: Activation Worksheet
One page worksheet which contains all the information blanks that can be filled in on the Activation Document.
EMRG-513: Net Preambles
Standard net preamble for an Exercise or Training Net as well as an Operational Net for a real event.
EMRG-514: Exercise Position Descriptions
Contains tent style cards to be used as place cards at each position in an exercise. The card provides the position name and a brief list of duties for that position.
EMRG-516: Repeater Guide
A summary of EMRG Repeaters.
EMRG-519: Personal Training Record
Logsheet for each member to keep track of EMRG training they have received.
EMRG-520: Basic Message Form
EMRG basic message form.
EMRG-521: ICS-213 General Message Form
A general message form.
EMRG-522: Formal Message Form
A formal traffic message form.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

600 Facility Records
Facility records contain documents and diagrams that relate to physical locations or equipment that EMRG operates. Some examples of facility records are the floor plan for the Randall communications room, wiring diagrams for the portable repeater or antenna installation records for the Red Cross.
EMRG-614: Equipment Cable Diagrams - TBR
Diagrams for custom cables created for different pieces of equipment. Some diagrams may be used in other documentation.
EMRG-615: Initial Packet Network Plan
The ideas put together before the EMRG packet network was begun. This document is for reference and will not be updated.
EMRG-617: EOC Renovation 2007 (City of Ottawa)
This document explains the renovations made to the City of Ottawa Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in 2007, the impact of these renovations on EOC Operations, and the impact of these operations changes on EMRG. Finally the document describes the radio communications solution implemented by EMRG to meet these challenges.
EMRG-619: NHRC-6 Repeater Controller
Documentation for the NHRC-6 Bridging Repeater Controller used by EMRG.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

700 Exercises and Activations
Exercises and activations contains documents, typically from debrief meetings, that outlines what was done, how it went and what can be improved. Plans for exercises can also be saved as official documents.
EMRG-701: Activation Ontario Power Outage
Developed from the debrief of the EMRG response to the Ontario power outage in August 2004
EMRG-702: Ice Storm 98
Report on the Ice Storm in 1998 and the use / non use of Amateur radio
EMRG-703: Exercise Integration
EMRG Team Leader report from the Airport Exercise Integration, May 23, 2002.
EMRG-704: Exercise Messenger - Set 2002
ARES Simulated Emergency test (SET) exercise Nov 9, 2002.
EMRG-705: Set 2003
Debrief notes from ARES SET 2003
EMRG-706: Set 2004
Notes from ARES SET 2004. Audio File: .wav File (~8MB)
EMRG-707: Lessons Learned - TBR
Single document with lessons learned from various exercises - (Still being worked on)
EMRG-708: Table Top 2005-01-22
General meeting table top exercise Jan 22, 2005.
EMRG-709: FM Signal Report Exercise
Notes on how to give a signal report.

Top -- Back to Official Documents

Orientation Guide to Collegeville For Amateur Radio Operators
This document is intended to be a general guide of operations, amateur radio operator duties and items to watch for, for those hams at Collegeville for the first time. It may also be a refresher to the seasoned veterans who have not attended in a long time.
Ottawa Fire Service
Ottawa Fire Service Barrhaven
Maps, Photos and Information
Ottawa Fire Service Dispatch Centre
Maps, Photos and Information
Ottawa Fire Service Training Centre
Maps, Photos and Information


- P -

The purpose of the information and papers is to get Amateurs to think about the challenges in deploying a radio in an emergency.
Amateur Radio Data Communications DEMO NETWORK
Shows the layout of the demo network that was implemented for the ARES District Packet meeting in Jan 2008. There are computers equipped in different ways to show Outpost, Airmail, Packlink and AGE Packet Engine working together or separately.
Amateur Radio Data Communications Ottawa ARES Views & Plans
Overview of the status of Data Communications in EMRG as of the ARES District Packet meeting in Jan 2008. Identifies the objectives and current solution view.
Amateur Radio Data Communications Considerations & Options
This is the first of two presentations given at the ARES District Meeting in Jan 2008. This presentation walks through some of the network issues and considerations that need to be thought through when working on a data communications solution.
Amateur Radio Data Communications APPLICATIONS
This is the second of two presentations given at the ARES District Meeting in Jan 2008. This presentation walks through some of the applications that are under consideration, what they do and how they fit into a solution.
EMRG-304: Packet Radio Network Proposal
Proposal for possible Packet radio network and the components required.
EMRG-615: Initial Packet Network Plan
The ideas put together before the EMRG packet network was begun. This document is for reference and will not be updated
Packet FAX
One of the most common forms of information transfer is the FAX machine. Even for emergency communications, most organizations use FAX, either portable units in vehicles or as a way to transfer information between offices. The FAX is direct point to point, the information can be sent as is, no typing, there is instant feedback about whether your message is going through, it is relatively secure and the information output is in printed form. FAX or "sneaker net" may be the only way to get the information to another place. Try sending a hand sketched diagram over a voice network.
Packet Index
The EMRG objective for Packet Radio is to build a dedicated emergency network within the City of Ottawa, to support communications between permanent and temporary emergency sites. The network must be simple to operate and easy to maintain. This will be a controlled network with limited users, designed to provide direct communications, from point to point.
Packet Radio
In an emergency, voice communications is great for short tactical messages, but it becomes painfully slow when moving larger amounts of information such as lists of names or supplies. In the 1980s, Amateurs were rapidly developing and deploying a technology that would be suitable for moving large amounts of text information, they called it Packet Radio.
Packet Network
This page shows the actual network that EMRG currently has working. As the network changes, this page will be updated.
Packet Requirements
The Emergency Measures Radio Group is building a Packet Radio Network to support emergency communications between key sites such as the City of Ottawa Emergency Operations Centre, Ottawa Red Cross HQ and shelters. The network can be used by all amateurs when there is no emergency, however the network will be optimised for emergency use, not daily amateur use, which means there are no beacons, BBSs or Internet gateways, other than those directly operated by EMRG, so EMRG can turn them off in an emergency.
Packet Long-Term Network Vision
It is generally accepted that communications in an emergency will not be equal to what is normally available. System overload or failure, as well as the need to work from temporary centres will all reduce communications capacity and availability. To be effective, emergency communications must provide some portion of normal communications capabilities. Up to the 1970s, information was moved by telephone, radio or as a physical package (Paper mostly). The world had a limited number of computers and computer networking was not generally available. Amateur radio HF and VHF radio was sufficient to provide a useful emergency communications solution.
Packet Radio Web Site Links
More information from the Internet


This is a collection of photographs and images that are not presently associated with any specific document. They are stored here temporarily for possible future use.
Emergency Survival Checklist, Emergency Preparedness Week 2004, Hospital Disaster Planning Committee of Ottawa
The basic requirement for providing amateur radio communications is a radio and a means to power that radio. The power can come from a power supply or from batteries or both. The AC power for the power supply can come from the power grid or from a generator or both.

See also: Batteries

More Fun With Powerpoles
An article by Mike, VE3FFK that originally appeared in the November, 2005 Newsletter. Once you start to use Powerpoles, you may find that just adapting from your standard DC connector to and from them isn't enough for you. Here are a few other things you can do with them.
Powerpoles and Field Day 2006
An article by Harold, VA3UNK. How many pairs can you find in each picture?

See also: Standards

Amateur radio has provided radio communications for many different emergencies over the years. But it takes more than just an amateur license to be useful and effective in an emergency.


Projects Introduction
EMRG has ideas and equipment for a number of projects to enhance our radio communications capabilities. These ideas are being packaged into projects that can be distributed to EMRG members, or any local Amateurs who are interested in helping
Audio Distribution
The simplest form of radio set up, uses the speaker in the radio. This can be improved for emergency use by adding headphones. But what happens when you need to add a person as a logger. You can use a Y cable for the headphones, but what if the two people have different levels of hearing. It would be nice to have separate volume controls for each person.
Communicating Through Glass
Most buildings built today have thermopane windows (sealed double glass with vacuum or gas between) and ventilation systems for exchanging the air, making a building with no windows that open. These windows are big typically and expensive, so the statement "in an emergency you can break a window" is not a suitable answer due to the cost and weather implications. In addition, there are often few doors and most doors are kept secure. This raises the question of how to communicate from inside the building using a radio. This gets even more difficult if the building is a hospital.
Stacking Crates
It can be frustrating to find containers in which to install equipment, because the equipment is not of uniform size and the containers that work for one piece of equipment are a bit short or a bit too narrow for other equipment. With non uniform sized cases, it becomes difficult to stack the equipment for transportation and storage.
Packet FAX
One of the most common forms of information transfer, is the FAX machine. Even for emergency communications, most organizations use FAX, either portable units in vehicles or as a way to transfer information between offices. The FAX is direct point to point, you get instant feedback about whether your message is going through, it is relatively secure and if the information is in printed form, FAX or sneaker transfer may be the only way to get the information to another place. (Try sending a picture over a voice network).
DC and AC Power
The basic requirement for providing amateur radio communications is a radio and a means to power that radio. The power can come from a power supply or from batteries or both. The AC power for the power supply can come from the power grid or from a generator or both.
EMRG has been donated some GE Phoenix SX UHF radios and GE PSX-200 VHF radios. These were made by GE and can be programmed using a computer with a custom interface board and software. EMRG could use these radios for in band repeaters or small portable repeaters.
Red Cross Radio Project
The cabinet had to be only 12" wide to fit in the space available, and must hold 5 radios, a TNC, a power supply and a battery. Each piece of equipment is on a sliding shelf, so it can be removed for repair or replacement easily. The cabinet has been designed and built, but others are needed to do the wiring and help with the installation.


- Q -

- R -

EMRG has been donated some GE Phoenix SX UHF radios and GE PSX-200 VHF radios. These were made by GE and can be programmed using a computer with a custom interface board and software. EMRG could use these radios for in band repeaters or small portable repeaters.
EMRG-403: Crossband Repeaters
Training session on crossband repeater terminology and operational issues
EMRG-516: Repeater Guide
A summary of EMRG Repeaters.
EMRG-617: EOC Renovation 2007 (City of Ottawa)
This document explains the renovations made to the City of Ottawa Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in 2007, the impact of these renovations on EOC Operations, and the impact of these operations changes on EMRG. Finally the document describes the radio communications solution implemented by EMRG to meet these challenges.
Repeaters are an important part of EMRG's emergency communications. Effective communications in Ottawa requires a mix of Wide Area, Regional and Community Repeaters.
Cross Band Repeaters
Cross band repeaters are an excellent tool for emergency communications, to extend the range of repeaters for portables or mobiles. With a cross band repeater outside a building, a portable radio inside can have quality audio and the messages are not missed. Add a small beam and the cross band repeater can be used to provide local coverage on one band, while linking back into a remote repeater. This can be used to get out of a low area or to cover greater distance.
Release #1: EMRG Response to the new City of Ottawa Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law
The City of Ottawa has proposed a Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law that is a set of regulations to control development in the City of Ottawa, and is ultimately intended to replace the 36 existing zoning by-laws carried over from the 11 former local municipalities amalgamated in 2001. The city has published Project Timelines and is holding open houses throughout the community to present the draft by-law, provide an opportunity for questions and gain residents feedback. Additional open houses may be held during the Fall.

EMRG has prepared a response to sections of the new draft bylaws -- specifically Section 55 (Accessory Uses, Buildings and Structures), Section 64 (Permitted Projections Above the Height Limit), and, Section 120 (Accessory Satellite Dish or Accessory Amateur Radio Antenna in Residential Zones), as they relate to Amateur Radio, antennas, and support structures.


- S -

Search the EMRG Web Site
Use this page to search the EMRG Web Site.
Shelter Kits
These shelter-kit lists were developed by three groups at the General Meeting on September 17, 2005. The final kit list will be completed from these lists.

See also: Kits

Shuttle Debris Recovery
Review of Amateurs efforts in the collection of debris from the Columbia Shuttle Explosion.
The Columbia exploded on February 1, 2003 (MS Word).
EMRG-403: Crossband Repeaters
Training session on crossband repeater terminology and operational issues.
EMRG-509: Meeting Direction Signs
Set of 4 EMRG meeting direction signs, done in MS PowerPoint, with arrows to left, right, left up and right up.
Meeting Presentation
General Meeting, January 31, 2004: Presentation.
Overview of EMRG Presentation
Our Role, Partnerships, Shelter Operations, Our Area, Our Primary Focus, Our Emergency Response Structure, Emergency Response Document Structure, Schedules, A Major Challenge, EMRG Standard Radio Interface, EMRG Standard User Interface, Technical Projects, Equipment + Parts + Effort, Summary of Objectives, Equipment Available, Web Site, Photos of the Ottawa Fire Service Training Centre
EMRG Update Presentation
General Meeting, January 31, 2004: Exercise, Emergency Response, Group Exercise, Comunity Repeaters, Packet Radio.
Meeting Presentation
General Meeting, February 26, 2005: An Overview of roles, partners, organization, challenges and ongoing efforts.
Web Site Redesign
General Meeting, January 28, 2006: A progress report by Gord, VE3XGP, on the redesign of the EMRG Web site (
General Meeting, September 30, 2006
The Year in Review and 2007 Strategy
General Meeting, January 27, 2007: A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP: The Year in Review, Training Coordinator, New hardware for repeater VE3OCE, Red Cross Radio, Community Services, Funding, Projects, 2007 Strategy, Participation, EOC Changes, Randall.
Activity Lifecycle
General Meeting, January 27, 2007: A training presentation by Tom, VE3NFA.
St. Johns Communication Outage
General Meeting, January 27, 2007: A presentation by Mike, VE3FFK.
Antenna Design Challenge
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. The external antenna is a problem that EMRG needs to solve for shelter kits, or any portable setup.
Shaping the Future of EMRG
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in the positions to be described.
District ARES News
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. On April 26, there was an ARES District meeting in Perth at the Lanark County offices, hosted by the Lanark ARES Group.
Amateur Radio Data Communications Demo Network
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. The purpose of the Technology Demo is to show people some of the things that EMRG is working on, and some ideas that are possible based on available technology.


EMRG-210: Standard Radio Interface - TBR
Defines a common interface connector and pin assignments for connecting radios to other equipment such as TNCs, Controllers and audio interface units.
Standards, Reasons To Develop
The Emergency Measures Radio Group (EMRG) has collected a diverse selection of radios and radio equipment, such as TNCs, phone patches and repeater controllers. The equipment all works well and is used in different applications, depending on its capabilities. In some cases there are several of same model of radio, while in other cases there are only 1 or 2 of a particular model. Every make or model of radio, TNC, phone patch and controller, uses a different connector, or the same connector wired differently. In working with this variety of equipment, it became apparent that a universal connection is required to make it easier to bring equipment together and for rapid replacement in an emergency. The purpose of standards is to allow equipment to interface together using the same connections and protocols.
Standard 12 VDC Power Connector
EMRG has selected a standard DC power connector that will be installed on all equipment used by EMRG. The purpose in standardizing on a connector is to allow any radio to work with any power supply, battery or DC adapter cable.

See also: Powerpoles

Standard Interfaces - Connectors and Wiring
EMRG is developing a Standard Radio interface for connecting radios and other equipment, such as TNSs (Terminal Node Controllers), phone patches, and repeater controllers, together. This same radio interface can be used with a Standard User Interface, allowing multiple operators to share the same radio.
Standard Radio Interface
The Standard Radio Interface provides a universal connector for interfacing radios and accessories together. The first phase is to define the connector and connector pin-out that to support physical interconnection. The next phase will define the electrical standards for each signal.
Standard Radio Interface Drawings
This page is a collection of wiring diagrams for the Standard Radio Interface
Standard User Interface Drawings
This page is a collection of drawings and wiring diagrams for the Standard User Interface

See also: EMRG-212 Headphone Control


This information is meant to get us thinking about what we have and what we need to have ready within minutes if we are called to assist in an emergency.

See also: Kits


- T -

Official Training Documents

- U -

- V -

Team Leader's Views
This page brings together the thoughts and views of the EMRG Team Leader, Peter Gamble (VE3BQP), based on many years of experiences and thought about the role of Amateur Radio as an Emergency Communications resource and through recent comments made in ARES e-mail list discussions. The page is provided to people as required to help develop the discussion to revitalize Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Role.
The community event-volunteers web page is maintained by EMRG as way to list events in the Ottawa area that are looking for Amateur radio operators.
Volunteer Radio Groups
In an emergency, primary communications systems for agencies such as police and fire will be operating at peak capacity. The secondary communications infrastructure established by the radio group will relieve primary agencies from message traffic which is not related to their respective functions. For example, if phones are out at a shelter, it is not efficient to post a first responder at the shelter just to provide communications to get blankets, water etc.


- W -

Web Links
Links to web sites on the Internet.
Web Site Redesign Handout
Progress report on the redesign of the EMRG Web site ( given to the General Meeting on January 28, 2006
Web Site Redesign Presentation
Progress report on the redesign of the EMRG Web site ( given to the General Meeting on January 28, 2006
Web Site Summary
A summary of the state of the EMRG Web Site.
Writing for the Web (1)
Research on how users read on the Web and how authors should write their Web pages.
Writing for the Web (2)
by Jakob Nielsen, distinguished engineer; PJ Schemenaur, technical editor; and Jonathan Fox, editor-in-chief,
Cool URIs don't change
A W3C document about how to create URI's that don't change over time.
WebsiteTips Color Section
You'll find several web-safe color charts here by VisiBone's Bob Stein, by Lynda Weinman, and Daxassist. There are also resources to many more charts, and articles and tips on color and design, color psychology and meanings.


W3 Schools' HTML Tutorial
In this HTML tutorial you will learn how to use HTML to create your own Web site.
W3C Recommended DTDs to use in your Web document.
When authoring document is HTML or XHTML, it is important to Add a Doctype declaration. The declaration must be exact (both in spelling and in case) to have the desired effect, which makes it sometimes difficult. To ease the work, below is a list of recommended declarations that you can use in your Web documents.
W3C Link Checker
This is a free servoce that checks anchors (hyperlinks) in a HTML/XHTML document. Useful to find broken links, etc.
W3C Markup Validation Service
This is a free service that checks Web documents in formats like HTML and XHTML for conformance to W3C Recommendations and other standards.
W3C CSS Validation Service
This is a free service that checks Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in (X)HTML documents or standalone for conformance to W3C recommendations.
Who Links to EMRG?
Find web pages that link to
Who Uses the term ""?
Find web pages that contain the term ""
What's New?
23Feb2009: Web Site Summary
A summary of the state of the EMRG Web Site.
11Feb2009: ARES - Amateur Radio Emergency Service
EMRG is also known as Ottawa ARES, two names, one group, one purpose. ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) provides a common look and feel for volunteer Amateur radio emergency communications groups across the country.
11Feb2009: "Collegeville" - Emergency Mangement College
The Canadian Emergency Management College in Ottawa runs courses for municipal officials from across the country in the operation of an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) and in emergency site management.
11Feb2009: Orientation Guide to Collegeville For Amateur Radio Operators
This document is intended to be a general guide of operations, amateur radio operator duties and items to watch for, for those hams at Collegeville for the first time. It may also be a refresher to the seasoned veterans who have not attended in a long time.
11Feb2009: Projects To Do
A draft document that is under development.
11Feb2009: Equipment To Go
A draft document that is under development.
11Feb2009: Notes
A draft document that is under development.
14Jun2008: Antenna Design Challenge
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. The external antenna is a problem that EMRG needs to solve for shelter kits, or any portable setup.
14Jun2008: Shaping the Future of EMRG
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. We are looking for volunteers who are interested in the positions to be described.
14Jun2008: District ARES News
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. On April 26, there was an ARES District meeting in Perth at the Lanark County offices, hosted by the Lanark ARES Group.
14Jun2008: Amateur Radio Data Communications Demo Network
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP. The purpose of the Technology Demo is to show people some of the things that EMRG is working on, and some ideas that are possible based on available technology.
28Apr2008: Tour Nortel Vehicle Identification Sign
Radio Communications Identification sign to be placed in each vehicle's windshield.
28Apr2008: EMRG-709: FM Signal Report Exercise
Notes on how to give a signal report.
15Apr2008: Amateur Radio Data Communications DEMO NETWORK
Shows the layout of the demo network that was implemented for the ARES District Packet meeting in Jan 2008. There are computers equipped in different ways to show Outpost, Airmail, Packlink and AGE Packet Engine working together or separately.
15Apr2008: Amateur Radio Data Communications Ottawa ARES Views and Plans
Overview of the status of Data Communications in EMRG as of the ARES District Packet meeting in Jan 2008. Identifies the objectives and current solution view.


15Apr2008: Amateur Radio Data Communications Considerations and Options
This is the first of two presentations given at the ARES District Meeting in Jan 2008. This presentation walks through some of the network issues and considerations that need to be thought through when working on a data communications solution.
15Apr2008: Amateur Radio Data Communications APPLICATIONS
This is the second of two presentations given at the ARES District Meeting in Jan 2008. This presentation walks through some of the applications that are under consideration, what they do and how they fit into a solution.
21Jan2008: Agenda
Meeting Agenda
21Jan2008: General Meeting Presentation
Training, Canadian Ski Marathon (CSM), Project Work Sessions, EMRG Callout Testing, Activation Plan, Activation Worksheet, ARES District Meeting, EMRG Web Site
21Jan2008: Ten Years After The Ice Storm
10 Years Ago, Current Status, EMRG Today, Voice Infrastructure, Packet Radio, Mutual Aid, EMRG Website
21Jan2008: EMRG-407: Logging
Why?, Why not just use a recorder?, Logging, Dictionary definition, Known by whom?, Non Facts, Gray Areas, How To Log, Keep It Readable, A little practical example, EMRG Website
18Jan2008: EMRG-001: Document List
Lists EMRG documents and the current version number
18Jan2008: EMRG-105: Activation Plan
Defines EMRG activation procedure when called by a Partner Agency.
18Jan2008: EMRG-501: ICS-309 Communications Log
Form for logging transmissions for net control or an end station such as a shelter


18Jan2008: EMRG-506: Personnel Report
Form for listing EMRG personnel in the dispatch centre during an exercise, meeting or activation. One form used for each shift.
18Jan2008: EMRG-512: Activation Worksheet
One page worksheet which contains all the information blanks that can be filled in on the Activation Document.
24Dec2007: Newsletter: January, 2008
Topics: Being Useful in an Emergency, Check your POT, ICE Your Cell Phone, Get Out of the House!, A New Year Ahead
26Nov2007: EMRG-007: MS PowerPoint Course Template (PowerPoint Template)
Microsoft PowerPoint template file for use when creating a new instructor-led course slide show. This file must be copied into the Template\Presentations directory
26Nov2007: EMRG-008: MS PowerPoint Course Template (PowerPoint Template)
Microsoft PowerPoint template file for use when creating a new self-study course slide show. This file must be copied into the Template\Presentations directory
04Nov2007: EMRG-303: Yearly Strategy Plan
The Yearly Strategy Plan defines the work that EMRG will focus on for the year, to guide planning and maintain focus.
16Oct2007: HF Operations in EMRG
A presentation by team Mike, VE3FFK
08Oct2007: EMRG-302: Emergency and Disaster Communications 5 Year Plan - Strategy and Requirements
This plan describes a series of projects, which define EMRG's communications infrastructure development for the next 5 years.
29Sep2007: Amateur Radio As a Service
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP


29Sep2007: Yearly Status and Plans for Fall 2007
A presentation by team leader Peter, VE3BQP
06Sep2007: Newsletter: September, 2007
Topics: "It's Baaack!! Will You Be Ready?" (The 10th anniversary of the Ice Storm), Tour Nortel, Team Leader's Message: "A Year of Accomplishments", EOC Renovations, Antennas At Fire Dispatch, City of Ottawa, About EMRG
21Jun2007: EMRG-617: EOC Renovation 2007 (City of Ottawa)
This document explains the renovations made to the City of Ottawa Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) in 2007, the impact of these renovations on EOC Operations, and the impact of these operations changes on EMRG. Finally the document describes the radio communications solution implemented by EMRG to meet these challenges.
06Jun2007: About EMRG
An introduction to the Emergency Measures Radio Group
06Jun2007: Partners
Partners of the Emergency Measures Radio Group
23May2007: EMRG-303: Yearly Strategy Plan
The Yearly Strategy Plan defines the work that EMRG will focus on for the year, to guide planning and maintain focus.
03May2007: EMRG-507: Folded Brochure
One page EMRG informational brochure
30Apr2007: EMRG-516: Repeater Guide
A summary of EMRG Repeaters.
10Apr2007: EMRG-213: Technical Reference
The document is a collection of charts, tables, rules of thumb and drawings for technical information that could be useful in the field.


10Apr2007: EMRG-207: Frequency List
This document lists frequencies that are critical to EMRG operation in an emergency, to facilitate quick decisions about frequency use. The document focuses on frequencies that require some special knowledge or where there is more than one option, so choices are prioritized.
10Apr2007: EMRG-206: Auxiliary Frequency Information
This document lists frequencies that are secondary to EMRG operation in an emergency, to facilitate decisions about frequency use and for reference, where we must communicate with other users of the spectrum, or must avoid interference with them. The document focuses on frequencies that many hams would not use in their day to day operating.
10Apr2007: EMRG-213: Technical Reference
The document is a collection of charts, tables, rules of thumb and drawings for technical information that could be useful in the field.
06Feb2007: Minutes of Meeting: January 27, 2007 (General)
06Feb2007: EMRG-404: Introduction To EMRG
Provides an introduction to the Roles and Partnerships, Solutions and Services, and Organization and Strategies for EMRG. This training session can be done as self study or as classroom session.
30Jan2007: Photos


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Zoning By-laws
See: Release #1: EMRG Response to the new City of Ottawa Draft Comprehensive Zoning By-law


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