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2009-08-13[Letter to Dalton McGuinty] Dear Mr. McGuinty, As a resident of Ottawa South, I am writing to request your support for an exemption to Bill 118 to allow the continued use of two way radios in moving vehicles. Two way radios are clearly not the target of Bill 118, and other jurisdictions with similar laws have made provisions through wording or exemptions, to ensure that two way radios in their Province or State can continue to be used. As written, the only clear exception in Bill 118 is for Police, Fire and Ambulance vehicles. more 2008-12-21 Minimum Requirements For A Deployment Kit[Email List Posting] I recently had someone ask me the following question: "What information or items are required in the event that there is an EMRG deployment (What do I need to bring?)." more 2008-12-06 What would EMRG do in an emergency?[Email List Posting] An Amateur wrote to me the other day saying that they were not clear on what exactly EMRG would do in an emergency. Looking through the web site, listening to us talk about the need for re-organization of EMRG and the recent posting about terrorism on the email list, left this person with no clear view in their head. It is questions like this that help me see where we are, or are not. I have been dealing with this for so long at an intense level that it all seems very clear to me, but people can't read my mind, so I thought I should provide a short summary. more 2008-12-02 City of Ottawa - EMRG Agreement Signed[Email List Posting] At the meeting on Saturday I mentioned that we will be signing a new agreement with the City of Ottawa, and today I actually signed the new agreement. more 2008-11-30 What is the value of groups like EMRG - Ottawa ARES?[OARC Groundwave Article] When it comes to Emergency Preparedness we expect our various levels of Government to have solid plans to deal with emergencies and disasters, and we expect them to include Amateur radio in those plans. RAC and the ARRL have concluded that the main potential for Amateur radio to demonstrate value in the eyes of government is through the service provided by Emergency Communications. more |