On This PageTraining Objectives Foundation Requirements Skills Evaluation Personal Training Record Training DocumentsEMRG-401: Training Plan EMRG-519: Personal Training Record EMRG Training Library External InformationAmateur Radio Beginner's Information (RAC) RAC ARES Training Manual |
Welcome to the EMRG Training Page. The purpose of this page is to provide EMRG members with a single location to access training documents, links and references that focus on EMRG delivery of Emergency and Disaster communications. One of the primary strategy objectives for EMRG is to maintain stability and consistency in the organization. Training is an important part of ensuring EMRG has the skills to deliver on client requirements, which is why EMRG has adopted a training program that focuses on the basics. For more information please read the EMRG Training Plan: EMRG-401: Training Plan. Training Objectives
The main objective of EMRG training is to ensure that EMRG members have
the basic skills required to effectively deliver EMRG communications
services in an emergency. To be effective requires an understanding of
the following areas:
Foundation RequirementsThe training and documentation that represents the minimum that must be understood by EMRG members is set out in the Foundation Requirements below.
Skills EvaluationEach training course will include a quiz at the end to confirm that the individual has understood the basic concepts presented. The answers will be provided on a subsequent page so the user can test their level of understanding. In some cases, such as essay type questions, the answers will be a discussion of relevant points, rather than a specific answer.
Personal Training RecordThe form for EMRG members to record and track their training is EMRG-519: Personal Training Record. Since most of the EMRG training is done individually off the web, it is necessary for each member to track their own training. The Personal Training Record provides a convenient method to track which courses are completed and when they were completed. If it has been a few years since a particular session was completed, or if an update has been released, please repeat the session and mark it again. Ideally, everyone should review each on line FOUNDATION session each year. The training record can be used to track other training
completed, whether in or outside of EMRG, such as the RAC CEC course,
CANWARN, First Aid or other.
Please contact us and join us at our next General Meeting. |